1 min read

100: A Milestone

This is the one hundredth issue of this newsletter! I've been sending out an issue every week for almost exactly two years now. It's been a crucial piece of writing discipline, both an excuse and a mandate to put words into sentences just for myself. It's also been a useful way to keep track of everything else I've been writing and talking about from a critical perspective. I've loved having a low-pressure outlet to think out loud about things that make me feel joy and things that make me cranky, whether they're movies or music or even ballet. More to come. Thanks for joining me for the ride.

What I wrote:

I guested on the Bright Wall/Dark Room podcast to talk about Dune Part Two, adaptations, and the set of Rebecca Ferguson's jaw.

I also reviewed Dev Patel's directorial debut Monkey Man for Seeing and Believing.

What I'm planting:

Gladiolus and dahlia bulbs. I had to go to a local garden center last weekend for a few things, and I went a little mad when I saw the bulb bins. The patch I chose for these bulbs has been choked up by weeds for the last few years; this feels like as good an excuse as any to introduce a slightly more orderly anarchy to the spot.

Thank you for reading The Dodgy Boffin, a newsletter by Sarah Welch-Larson. If you have any thoughts, or just want to drop me a line, feel free to get in touch. This newsletter is free, but if you'd like to support my work, you can pay for a subscription, which helps me keep the pilot light on.