2 min read

116: A Few Links and a Schedule Update

It’s almost August, humid and warm; the tomato plants in my backyard are bursting with fruit, and I think we might even have a baby watermelon on the vine. Everything’s green and growing and so thirsty.

I’m planning to put this newsletter on a brief hiatus for August. The goal is to take a stay-at-home-vacation of the mind, to figure out a couple of writing projects, and to come back at the end of the month with a roundup of the things I’ve published and talked about and liked and wrestled with. The original purpose of this newsletter was to be a central hub for everything I’ve written, since it’s hard to point to just one place, social media being what it is. It’s ballooned into a blog of sorts, and I don’t want to give it up completely, but I also don’t want to keep reaching for garden metaphors on the weeks where I’m not feeling inspired to think about a movie I’ve already reviewed elsewhere. Whether you’ve been here this whole time or you’re new, thanks for joining me. More to come at the end of August.

What I wrote:

For Seeing & Believing, I wrote a review of Deadpool & Wolverine.

And the Broad Sound journal I’ve mentioned a few times here has officially been published! I wrote about craft videos as a synecdoche for the broader internet. You can buy the journal as a PDF here or as a hard copy here. I’m looking forward to digging in to the journal myself; there are pieces about Twilight, about Catcher in the Rye, and about Bill Waterson that I can’t wait to read.

If you’re more of an audio person, you can also catch some of these essays in podcast form. Mine is already up on Apple Podcasts and Spotify; it should be available through most other podcatchers as well.

What I'm reading:

Lo Fi by Liz Riggs, a novel about a twenty-something aspiring songwriter who works the doors at a music venue in Nashville. So far, it’s hitting a tone that I like for summer reading: a little lazy, a lot inside its character’s head, more interested in prose and vibes than plot.

Thank you for reading The Dodgy Boffin, a newsletter by Sarah Welch-Larson. If you have any thoughts, or just want to drop me a line, feel free to get in touch. This newsletter is free, but if you'd like to support my work, you can pay for a subscription, which helps me keep the pilot light on.